Dating a Disney Lover.

If I had a £ for every time I have heard these words…

“Why do you love Disney so much, its for kids.”

Why do you like football so much? Its just a group of grown men chasing a ball around a field. Me liking Disney is no different to a man enjoying sport, a specific TV show or a specific genre of music, you have your reasons why you love it and part of you always wishes that your future partner will appreciate it too.

I am 1/4 of a very Disney orientated family, our house is filled with Disney knick knacks and I frigging love it! My mum and I take regular trips down to the our local Disney store together to see what new things they have that we can add to the collection. We have always been extremely Disney orientated, even when I was little I had a doll of “Esmeralda” from “The Hunchback of Notre Dame” that went EVERYWHERE with me! I had totally forgotten just how obsessed I was with this doll until I had to look for a photo for my grandad’s funeral and suddenly she was cropping up alongside me most of the time (Speaks volumes as Esmeralda is one of my favourite and one of the most underrated Disney characters of all time). Disney films were a big part of my childhood, I would spend countless hours watching them over and over again, much like I still do. Its part of me and it makes me happy and its never something I hide away or i’ll ignore because another person doesn’t understand my love for it.

I am on the borderline of being Disney obsessed, its a big part of my life and my personality! I can identify which film is on in the first 3 seconds, I can sing majority of the songs on cue and more worryingly I can quote a lot of the films basically word for word. There is A LOT of Disney stuff in my room, but its tasteful. Its all perfectly organised on a bookshelf and I try to only have artwork on display that is unique or classic; Sure I do have a lot of Disney soft toys but only 3 on my bed, the rest have their own space on top of my wardrobe. People either love or hate the fact I’m a big Disney fan, most people i’ve come across love it because actually there aren’t that many people in the world who can say they hate Disney and actually it’s a lot of people guilty pleasure, i’m just a lot more vocal about it.

Dating someone who loves Disney does come with a lot of things you have to either embrace or tolerate…

  • You will be subjected to Disney films on a regular basis – I have the Sky Disney movie channel on probably 90% of the day (It’s either that or Friends). I don’t really watch many other channels because I don’t choose to sit down and watch TV much, normally it is just on in the background. But if there is a Disney movie on you can bet I will sit down and watch it, possibly quote it along the way.
  • You will have to put up with a lot of Disney songs and out of tune singing – I have Disney soundtracks on my phone, my laptop, my iPod and even several compilation albums in my car… If you don’t know the words to “Be Our Guest” you will by the end of our relationship.
  • Holidays? Sure! There is Paris, Florida, California… – I will continually try to convince you to go to Disney… Paris is only an hour away and I’ve got getting a cheap weekend break down to a fine art. I am genuinely at my happiest when i’m in one of the parks, you’ve never seen a smile like it!
  • There is a high chance my clothes will have something Disney related on them – I’m not as bad for this one as I used to be, I have a lot of Mickey T-shirts but they only tend to get worn when i’m in one of the parks… However I have a Disney sweatshirt that is my favourite thing in the history of the world… ever.
  • There is Disney stuff everywhere – Like I said my room has a lot of Disney stuff in it, I even have Winnie the Pooh bedsheets (Love you Primark) but in my defence… They match the colour scheme of my bedroom and they are adorable. No I will not be putting any of my Disney stuff away or getting rid of it, it was here before you… soz.
  • I won’t cry if we have an argument… I will cry if we watch WallE – Have you seen it?!? Proper tear jerker.
  • When a new Disney film comes out, I am going to see it with or without you! – Possible more than once.. Beauty and The Beast round two next weekend, Woop!
  • I will encourage my love of Disney on to you – Its non negotiable, expect couples Disney halloween costumes.

Hey there are some upsides to me being a massive Disney fan, i’m awesome with kids because of it and also… I have a vast knowledge of all things Star Wars, isn’t that like every guys dream?



5 problems of a drunk 22 year old.


It is no secret that I love a night out, they used to be few and far between however they have now turned in to a weekly occurrence. I don’t have to drink on a night out either, like I will happily go out sober and be the designated driver which considering I live about 10 miles out of Portsmouth is sometimes more cost effective than a taxi. However, for the last month or so that logic clearly went out the window, as not only did I drink but I drank a lot!

The weekend just gone was possibly the worst I have been in a very long time and has lead me to putting myself on a detox for the next month until my best friend’s hen weekend (for which I’ll be in Brighton, far enough away as to not embarrass myself further). There are 5 main problems I tend to encounter on a night out…

Problem No.1: “Don’t mix your drinks”

Now… It has become a running joke that I have a thing for bartenders, for some reason I have dated a lot of bartenders in my adult life (not intentional, just sort of happens), but the odd couple work at the places I spend my Saturday night; this has become a blessing and a curse. None of these encounters ended that horrifically and I am on good terms with a lot of these guys and it is always very sweet when on a night out they’ll discount the price of my round or slide the extra shot my way, but I seriously think this is my downfall… The last thing I need in life is someone convincing me to drink more, I struggle to stick to one drink as it is but if you’re adding cheap cocktails and free shots in to the mix then that is a recipe for disaster. The weekend just past, through the course of the night I drank a divine mix of…

  • Prosecco
  • Vodka
  • Tequila
  • Rum
  • Sambuca
  • And last but not least, my fav… Gin.

To say my head hurt the next day was an understatement. I avoided sitting up for a good few hours because I was dreading that initial moment it hits you and I only moved out of bed to get food.

Problem No.2: “The Regulars”

Portsmouth is a big place, there are various different nights out you can go on. However, if you’re like me and you tend to stick to the same place, then you become one of “the regulars” so to speak; Everybody knows the ones, the same groups of people you always see on nights out, then when you explain to somebody how you know them it become “Oh I know them going out”. We met 2 lads a couple of weekends ago, had a cracking night out with these guys and labelled ourselves as hardcore for getting in at 4am. You know the drill, you meet someone on a night out, pass on your number, talk a few days later; Now in passing one of these guys messaged me and asked what my plans for the weekend were, to which I stupidly replied

“Oh were off out for a mate’s birthday, you guys should go out again”

Worst. Decision. Ever.

Now I am quite a forward and flirty character in general and after a few drinks of course this gets worse and I fully admit I was a bitch and put this guy under the wrong impression but I was not keen on this guy at all and tried to make that as clear as day in the nicest possible way! I was just playing wing woman and he was tolerable because he was funny, it was all fun and games while I was drunk however sober was a totally different matter.

So we bump into them in 38 and “Big Geoff” as he named himself in my phone, was stood at the bar with his mate. Now I do NOT like PDA at the best of times, especially when I am sober (which at this point I was), Now I’m stood at the bar talking to one of the bartenders and “Big Geoff” comes up behind me and decides it’s a really appropriate time to bite my neck… MASSIVE NO! Because I then flinched away I got…

“What the fuck is wrong with you?! Like really?!” …

Woah there cowboy, Number 1 – You don’t know anything about me, you do not know how I’m going to react to that shit so don’t try it unless you’re sure.


After my explaining that actually I’m extremely weird about people touching me at the best of times let alone biting my neck and how it was grossly inappropriate; then leading on to explain that the particular bartender he did that in front of was one that I went on a date with and I felt really uncomfortable doing anything like that around him wasn’t cool and was quite unfair… May as well have been talking fucking Swahili. Literally like I couldn’t talk to a single male that night without this bloke getting arsey at me, even when it was guys I knew. I tolerated this arsey behaviour for a lot of the night, but then when I ran in to an ex and he got arsey… Kind of lost my shit and told this guy where to shove it.

Lesson learned: Unless you’re seriously invested… Don’t suggest they go out when you are.


Problem No.3: Affectionate or Aggy?

Alcohol sends me one of two ways and the title is pretty self-explanatory, Affectionate or Aggy. Now when I’m affectionate, you can expect cuddles, pecks and just general love radiating from me, I don’t often neck people on a night out in fact I try to avoid it! But I see no harm in giving people a harmless peck (people I know not random strangers I feel the need to add). I really wish the affectionate side was the one that came out most, but more often than none… It’s the Aggy side which leads me swiftly on to my next problem…

Problem No.4: “Keep your hands to yourself”

To any men reading this, I have a life lesson I feel you need to know. No girl is going to fall weak at the knees if you walk past and try and squeeze her arse on the sly, no girl is going to fall madly in love with you if you grab her and pull her back as she walks past and no girl will take kindly to a complete stranger putting their arm around you, least of all me. Like I’ve previously said, I am quite weird about people touching me at the best of times; chances are unless I feel very comfortable around you… you won’t touch me. I suck up and deal with most of my injuries at work because the idea of anyone physio or sports therapist touching me is a pure nightmare. So for a random guy to do this in a club? Hell no, sorry that’s a quick way to get told where to shove it and believe me I am not scared of doing so.

Like 80% of most woman, I have a huge case of “Resting bitch face” which gets me in trouble on a regular basis. On a night out this is always escalated, I am the most passive person in the world until somebody pisses me off but after that point I am then; to put it politely, a lairy little fuck. I am the sort of girl to tell you if you dress needs fixing or if you have toilet roll stuck to your show, I know I look moody but I am actually quite nice, please don’t take it personally gals.

And my final but most significant problem…

Problem No.5: Drunk Dialling.

Christ knows how many times I have gotten myself in trouble for this and Christ knows how many times I have wanted to bury myself in a hole for all eternity because of this!! I am such a liability for doing it. So I have this weird talent of being able to remember phone numbers, I can reel off these numbers quicker than that. Not great when it comes to ex’s or people I’ve previously dated… Like really not great. I’d be a liar if I said I had never booty called an ex, of course I have! Like who hasn’t. Buuuuut It doesn’t always have to be a phone call, drunken WhatsApp’s, drunken Facebook messages, drunken snapchats and drunken tinder messages all fall in to my list of talents, if you’re reading this and have had the nightmare of experience that then Jesus Christ I am sorry and trust me when I say I am more annoyed by my behaviour than you ever could be.


So yeah… Alcohol isn’t my friend, it’s going to be a quiet month.


“…It was all started by a mouse.”

It is no secret that I live and breathe Disney, I am a sucker for anything Disney related, I can sing and quote most of the movies word for word, I can tell you obscure Disney facts that most people wouldn’t ever think of and more than anything I cannot tolerate people who dislike Disney… Yes, I am aware that I am a 22-year-old adult.

My ex always questioned why I love Disney so much, but what isn’t there to love? What I love most about Disney is the feeling I get when I watch a film, “Sleeping Beauty” is my all-time favourite film and as soon as I hear the title music I instantly get a warm fuzzy feeling and I’m comfortable, no matter how shit my day may have been I can go home watch a Disney film and instantly feel better. I know that they hold no relation to reality in anyway shape or form, but that’s kind of what I like… For that 90 minutes or so it’s an instant escape from any other shit you’re dealing with in to a world where anything is possible.

I was raised in a Disney loving household, my mum is a big fan of Winnie the Pooh and Mary Poppins, my brother used to love watching Aladdin, Hercules & The Lion King and I have always had a love for the princesses like most little girls do. Our love of Disney has only grown as we’ve got older, even to the point where we have a Disney Christmas tree! We all have our own unique collections; I have a bookcase filled in my bedroom. My mum has numerous plushies, figurines and pieces of art work dotted around the house and my brother and his girlfriend have their own collection of Disney homewares boxed up ready for when they move out, we all appreciate it in our own way.

We were never one of those families who could afford a big trip to Disneyland as kids so that was always a big dream for us, I’m now at an age where luckily I do have enough money to do things and go places, so I made my first trip to Disneyland Paris back in December 2015 where I watched the new year unfold in style from Hollywood Studios. Don’t get me wrong, I am positive going to Disney as a child must be one of the most magical experiences ever because you’re still at an age where you believe that everything is real; However, going as an adult was UNBELIEVABLE! We were staying in central Paris and I remember the morning we were on the train to Disneyland, I was so so so nervous. For years I had seen my friends go to this place and I was nervous that once I was there it was going to be a bit of a letdown, I had heard mixed reviews about Disneyland and didn’t want the negative ones to be true… Luckily for me it didn’t disappoint. When we walked through the arches and on to main street I was actually really really emotional! I kind of just stood there for a minute and looked around, I remember Steve turning and saying to me “I’ve never seen you this happy before”, for the first sort of half an hour of being in the park I was kind of stunned, Like I didn’t really know what to do. The big point where your stomach goes all butterfly in any Disney park is when you first see the castle, I’ve been lucky enough to visit 2 of the 6 parks in the last year and both times I got the same feeling, it genuinely is magical! No matter what age you visit a Disney park you suddenly find yourself believing it’s all real and it is true I have never been happier than when I’ve been in one of the parks.

Deep down in the back of your head, you know the characters you’re meeting aren’t real. But you get so wrapped up in the magic of Disney that the second you are stood next to one of these characters you forget all of that! The first character I ever met with Thumper, Fur characters are so lovely to meet because they go above and beyond to interact with you because they can’t use their voice. The minute I walked over to Thumper he started jumping up and down in excitement and gave me one of the best cuddles I’ve ever had from a fur character!

I do have a slightly irrational fear of people dressed up in costumes where I can’t see their face but for some reason in Disney that tends to disappear. In the following days we met Pluto, Mickey and Woody and each meeting just got better than the last, my favourite meeting from Paris will always be dancing with Pluto, closely followed by Woody asking me to be his girlfriend (Sorry Bo Peep).

Meeting the characters at Disney World was slightly different… Although I had met a lot of fur characters in Paris, I hadn’t actually met any of the princesses. Luckily for me, my best friend works at Disney so she knew which characters would be the best to interact with. I had seen so many videos online of the cast members interacting with kids and stuff, particularly ones involving Gaston and I wondered why even some of the adults go so so shy around these characters. Gaston was the first character I met at WDW and oh my god I have never been so bloody speechless in all my life! Even taking photos I kind of almost didn’t know what to do or say, which is crazy because it’s a bloody fictional character! The magic of Disney, aye!


Over my stay in Orlando and my trips to the parks I met so many of the different characters and each interaction gets easier! Luckily when you have a friend who works in the park she is always friends with a lot of people who are “friends with” the characters, so our interaction with the ugly step sisters in particular was awesome! I met plenty of other furs whilst in WDW, had a dance off with Mrs. Incredible & Frozone, even got an up close and personal with the main mouse himself!

The cast members at Disney are the ones who make you believe in everything, from the photographers around the park, to the cashiers in the stores and even the ride attendants everything about the place is incredible and it just fueled my love for something I already had so much passion for.

Disney teaches you so many different lessons, every film has a meaning and as you grow older you realise more and more about these films that you missed when you were a kid. Working with kids in particular my love of Disney has always come in handy, one of the ways I use to de-escalate one of the kids at work was by talking about Disney films, he knew just as much pointless trivia as I did and we would talk endlessly! The fact I also own the complete Disney Lego mini-series made me exceptionally cool in his eyes.  Yes, I may be a 22-year-old adult, but why does that mean that I can’t love Disney? Having this stuff around me makes me feel comfortable and content, it is one of my interests and it always will be, my kids will be raised in a Disney loving house just like I was, it’s no different to somebody supporting their favourite football team or loving a specific author or artist.

Disney films have helped me through shit times, so much so that my next tattoo is actually going to be a Disney quote that I now live by! I don’t particularly care what other people think… call me childish, call me immature, call me a geek, I really couldn’t give a flying fuck, what I like does not directly affect any other person so in the words of Thumper “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say nothin’ at all”.


Tinder in real life.

It seems like every one is on tinder these days… I’m on it, most of my best friends are on it, Members of my family are on it, I’ve even seen teachers from school who are on it! At some point or another you will run into someone you have matched on tinder, if you know them prior to matching its fine! But what when you’re in the “I really recognize you” situation and then you finally click where you know them from?


This happened to me at the weekend, I was stood at the Bar when a guy came up to me and told me “I had an exceptional arse” for me to turn around and realize that I knew him. I do have a very good memory and I can remember most people I match with, I had matched him a fair few months ago and we had a brief conversation before I got bored of my current tinder matches and reset it as I quite often do. Luckily for me we got to chatting, spent a lot of time together that night and I left with his number, now it’s in that nice texting phase.

I am a nightmare with tinder, I will swipe right to people I know of just out of sheer curiosity as to what they will do and not because I have any intention of speaking to them. I have done it when I’ve come across people I went to school with, My older brother’s friends, my friend’s ex’s (with their permission to the experiment of course) and even to my ex’s friends (not best friends but close). Sometimes this really back fires as I will match them and then see them out the following weekend and then have to go through the whole awkward conversation. But there have been times when I have been on a night out and guys have approached me saying they recognize me from tinder… the worst part being I have never seen them before in my life and I more than likely swiped left to them as a result. I am a nightmare for resetting tinder and the matching the same people over and over again and I often get caught out for this.

There have also been times when I have a really great conversation with someone on tinder and then when I’ve bumped in to them on a night out they are nothing like I thought they would be, sometimes they’ve been more arrogant, sometimes they’ve been really shy and other times they have been MASSIVE catfish. There has also been the odd few that develop an obsession early on in the night and then you see them lurking everywhere there after. Tinder is a great ice breaker and its usually always a funny story that goes with it, I had obviously used my pig line on and it was safe to say he remembered me!

I don’t know if it’s because I am quite a forward person or if it’s because I have just accepted that that’s the way that society is these days but I have no shame in admitting I know someone from tinder! When I go on dates I will openly say to my mum that I met a guy on tinder, I don’t try and dress up how we met each other or feel the need to fabricate a story. I’ve had 1 relationship due to tinder and dated many amazing people because of it, hence why on a night out I’m not that fussed about talking to someone who I clearly recognize from it, They’re clearly attracted to you in some way otherwise you wouldn’t have matched right?


Why I will always like dogs better than people.

My bond with my dog is insane, I can happily say my dog is one of my best friends and I am not in the least bit ashamed of that statement. I have ALWAYS been a dog person, yeah I like other animals but in my eyes nothing is more fun than a dog, what I love most is the unconditional love that comes with owning a dog. I could have had the shitest day in history and I know as soon as I get home she will be jumping up at the door and wagging her tail uncontrollably because she is so excited to see me, then the minute I step in the door she will immediately dive in to my lap for a cuddle; Every morning I have to come downstairs, let her in from the kitchen and sit of the sofa so we can have our morning cuddle… If I miss this part of our routine she will be pissed at me and play me up for the entire day.


As I work late afternoons and evenings, I spend most of my days with her. I will mill around the house just doing admin work or housework and she will follow me anywhere and everywhere I go, she’s like my shadow! Now I love this but it also drives me crazy from time to time but because I am at home with her, If I get up early enough or get all my jobs done quick enough then I’ll take her out for an hour or so to run off some steam because believe me she needs to.

We live in quite a rural area and are lucky enough to live 10 minutes from the sea in one direction and 10 minutes from the South Downs in the other direction so there are some amazing places to dog walk. As Belle is still only a pup I will keep her on the lead 60% of the time, but I bloody HATE the stigma that comes with doing this. If I have her off lead and another dog walker comes towards me I will immediately put her back on lead, I feel like this is just general courtesy because A) I know Belle is extremely friendly and in the past other dogs haven’t been so nice to her and B) Because she is extremely friendly if she sees another dog all she wants to do is play and if she runs over to another dog while she is off lead I will never ever get her back again. I hate when people automatically assume my dog is badly behaved just because she is on the lead, Its actually the polar opposite! She is so friendly and just wants to play all the time but I know that some people don’t appreciate that. Anyone who has a border collie will know it is like owning Tigger on speed, they have so much energy and just want to run around all the time. Belle is quite a big dog for her age and breed and sometimes I do have to fight to hold her back especially if she decides to have a sudden burst of energy and people tend to tut or screw their faces up at me, this really pisses me off! My dog isn’t jumping all over you, she’s isn’t out of control, she is a puppy with a lot of energy who just wants to play and that is it! A lot of the time if I have kept her on the lead for a long period of time she will jump up and bite the lead and spin me round in circles, one woman told me I shouldn’t indulge this behaviour because she will constantly do it… That’s your opinion! I know if I tell Belle to stop that she will, so who cares if she decides to have a funny 5 minutes and have a bit of fun! She’s a baby that’s natural.


On the flip side of this though I do tend to always meet lovely dog walkers! People who understand that she is just a pup and are really good with her. I often get stopped and told how pretty she is or questioned on what breed she is. All dogs are puppies at one stage it just takes a while for them to get to grips with things and I do really appreciate people who understand that!

We have had 1 other dog before Belle, she was also a border collie and she was the most placid and loving creature in the world when she was around people. Mollie and Belle are the polar opposites of each other, Mollie was always so calm and would often just bring you her toy when she wanted to play however she wasn’t good with other dogs and a lot of the time she would have to be kept on the lead when I took her out. Belle is a very excitable dog with quite a hectic personality, she is by no means an indoor dog and loves to dig! She is doing really well with her off lead training however her recall isn’t quite there yet and her love for other dogs is all a bit overwhelming at the minute (Partly as we are waiting for her first season). I loved Mollie just as much as I love Belle, but I was only about 4 when we got Mollie as a puppy and I don’t particular remember what she was like, whereas with Belle I have seen her go from tiny little bear cub to the beauty she is now. My bonds with both dogs were and are very different, Mollie wasn’t anywhere near as affectionate as Belle, but yet Belle annoys me far more at times than Molls ever did. Mollie was a gorgeous dog and I had many good years with her, But Belle’s hectic personality is just perfect for our family and I seriously struggle to think how we’ve gone along without her.


My dog comes first on a lot of occasions; I always say to people who come in to my house not to bother if they aren’t a fan of dogs. As far as I’m concerned she is a member of our family and that house is as much hers as it is ours, I will never put my dog outside or shut her away to please other people. To be honest I don’t really trust people who aren’t dog people… how can you not love dogs?!



The worst they will say is no.

After my 2nd break up in November I decided to adopt a slightly more ballsy approach to life, this was after I saw someone on a night out and I was too scared to go up and ask his name. The next day I sat and thought about why I was so scared to go and speak to him and the more I thought about it the less I knew why I was so scared… In that overall the worst thing that was going to happen is he would say no; Anything else would have been an improvement so what was I so scared of? If he said no then so be it, move on. As fate would have it, he came up as a friend suggestion the next day, we had plenty of mutual friends so I thought “The worst thing he will say is no…” so I added him.

To cut a long story short, He is now the barman who stood me up on our second date and now proceeds to make my life awkward on the regular, even after I told him I had no problem with him and that I just wanted to be civil… still ignores any conversation with me but will proceed to stare at me for the entire night whenever I’m out, Weird right?

Anyway; after adopting the “what’s the worst that could happen?” approach, life is a lot more entertaining. Especially when it comes to tinder, what I love most about tinder are the chat up lines! Over the years I have heard some amazing ones, ones that I have been sent and also ones that my friends have been sent…

“Have you ever gone through life considering that you only taste your own tongue? Mine is available for sampling if you’d like.”

“You look like you have exceptional cock sucking abilities…”

“You’re a Dance Teacher?! Wow, I bet you’re flexible ;)”

“Let’s skip the bullshit, Netflix & chill?”



Some have been amazing, some have been down right cheesy but I can appreciate a good chat up line, mostly because it’s quite fun to comeback with some sort of witting remark that leaves them stumped. But I recently adopted my own chat up line under the premise of “the worst he can say is no” and the response I had was surprisingly positive, it even landed me a date.

So as well as tinder, I have taken to bumble in order to meet new people; working with kids for a living the only adult you really meet are either single parents or happily married, been a home wrecker once and never again! Bumble is great in so many ways because to be honest I am not all that scared of talking to people first on dating apps, in person is slightly different but behind a keyboard it’s a lot easier. I have a go to chat up line to start a conversation and it works 99% of the time…

“I really recognize you but I am really struggling to figure out where I know you from…”

I’ll be honest 9/10 times; I don’t recognize them at all but it’s an easy conversation starter. I started to get a bit bored of this line and that was when I developed this new one, its simple, fairly funny showing I don’t take myself all that seriously and interestingly enough it’s a true fact (there is even a link to a website I can send when they ask me to prove it), It has had so many positive response and it cracks me up every time I talk about it, so the conversation will normally go as follows…

“Would a random fact about a pig impress you as a conversation starter?”

Then it will prompt the response of “Hit me” or “go ahead”

“Well, did you know a pig’s top running speed is 11mph… they are fast little swines!” – you can then follow this with the link – 

And from then on the conversation begins, yeah there will be the odd few people who don’t reply to you but what’s more memorable:

  • Saying “Hey, how are you?”
  • Starting a conversation with some pig based trivia?

As a person I don’t really take myself all that seriously, my life and my choices are normally the butt of every joke so I thought why not embrace it and have some fun. It scored me a date with a police officer too (all be it he got a bit high maintenance when I didn’t reply to him) so I’ll take that as a win.

My friends always say to me they don’t understand how I can be that confident when it comes to dating. I’ve said before I rely HEAVILY on my sense of humor as I feel that is one of my most attractive qualities. I’m also really attracted to another person’s sense of humor, it was one of the main reasons that my ex and I ended up together. Although in the past I have been quite shallow, a man with a great personality and an even better sense of humor will win me over almost instantly. I need to a person who can give it as well as can and who doesn’t mind making a joke out of themselves every so often and I have learnt that if I show my sense of humor early on in a conversation then their reaction is a good indication as to whether they are my sort of person or not. So actually its really easy… if you partner my sense of humor and my new “fuck it” policy so to speak, then speaking to people becomes extremely easy, chances are of they say no you probably will only ever encounter that person on a night out and if you’re anything like me you will probably be too drunk to even notice or care.

Don’t get me wrong, there are times where men are often intimidated by my confidence. I have turned up on tinder/bumble dates before were guys have told me they’ve been really nervous about meeting me and I always question this. The response if usually “you seem like you know what you want”… What’s intimidating about that? Yes, I know what I want but I don’t exactly think that’s a bad thing? It just means I won’t waste my time playing games… The people that are intimidated by me are normally the ones who then stand me up and to be honest in my eyes I’ve been myself and they’re the ones who have been rude by standing me up, I will never alter myself to try and impress someone and I will not feel bad about myself if they decide to be that rude.

So this one is really for all the girls out there who struggle to speak first… “The worst he is going to say is no”, have some fun with it!



“Why do you work with kids?” 

It’s a miserable rainy Friday and I have spent the entire day laid up on the sofa with a hip injury, so I am bored, fed up and grumpy… It’s a great mixture of feelings. More than anything today I have hated the fact I had to cancel classes and that I haven’t been able to work, I’m one of those people who aren’t very good at just resting which is why I cram schedule full (plus I’d miss complaining about how tired I am) and why I meticulously plan my weekends. 
I have had many different jobs over the years, I have worked in a pub, I have been a part time princess for children’s parties, I’ve been a teaching assistant both in mainstream and special education and I’ve worked in a leisure centre. Apart from working in the pub (I swear pot washing is a right of passage for every teenager), I have always worked with kids; this was never ever my intention when I was younger but it has opened my eyes to a lot of things, working in special education especially. 

When working with kids you will be working with some of the biggest characters you have ever met, 90% of the time kids will never set out to be as funny as they are. The best description I have ever heard for working with kids is..

“It’s like working with tiny people who are drunk all the time”

This couldn’t be truer! Especially for those kids who do not have a filter, I love working with those kids most. If you are ever having a bad day you just need to have a conversation with a child who has no filter and they will instantly make things so much better. One of the funniest things I have ever heard from a child was when she pointed out my friends under arm stubble in the middle of a dance class packed with about 20 other Kids… She’s only 4.

What I love about working with kids most, is that a lot of the kids will be inspired by what you do and what you’re saying. When I’m sat in on a choreography class and the kids are working on their own routines you can tell the difference between which kids attend which class, it’s like sitting and watching a group of mini me’s, it’s incredible! But what is even more incredible Is watching those kids progress, they take what you’ve taught them and they add their own flare to it and make it their own… There’s no better feeling than watching them progress and improve. 

Working with children who have social, emotional and/or mental health issues was one of the biggest eye openers for me. I fell into that job by accident and it was the best thing to happen to me, leaving there was one of the hardest decisions I ever had to make, but luckily I made the right one and I am still lucky enough to have the opportunity to work with those kids on a weekly basis in my new job. In that job I developed a unique relationship with every kid in the school (there are only around 60 students), I knew the triggers for everyone of the key children I worked with and had previously worked with and in the case of a few children I was one of the key adults to calm them down when they were at breaking point. When you work with kids like that you become so invested in wanting the best for them, most of them aren’t your average children from stable homes… These are kids who have been pushed from pillar to post from a young age, they come from broken homes and have nothing and they have so many social issues prior to meeting you that when they do sometimes it seems impossible that they’ll ever trust or relate to you, but when something clicks and they begin to trust you and realise that you are there to help them that feeling is incredible. You become one of the constants in their lives and you become one of the people who can help to change their future. I am very proud of the fact that I am the reason that at least 3 of those kids now know how to read and write, I am very proud of the fact that I can get a child who is severely obese to engage in an hour and a half p.e lesson when he has refused before, I am very proud and I am very grateful to all the kids at that school who opened my eyes and made me see that even when everything else is falling apart around you, that when you are around people you trust you can do amazing things. 

Not everything is peachy working with children, like any humans you have good days and bad days. There were some days when I would walk in to the staff room and put together a rather impressive combination of swear words, there would be other days when I would KO on one of the sofas out of exhaustion and other days I’d run in jumping for joy because a kid finally formed the letter D properly. There are things they don’t tell you about working with kids; There are some kids who you will just never like and they will always annoy you, if a kids has had a rough day you will always go home worrying about them, you can spend hours planning a lesson and think it’ll be the greatest lesson ever and then it’ll be a pile of shit and finally… 90% of the time you are winging it. 

I have never been amazingly bright, I am a clever girl yes but if you’d have asked me when I left school whether I wanted to go into a career in education I would have laughed at you. I have learnt so many things since starting work in a school, I now have a greater understanding of pretty much every subject, thanks to the beautiful food tech teacher I have a basic understanding of cooking! The teacher I had the pleasure of working with is now one of my closest friends, who without her guidance i wouldn’t be half the person or half the teacher I am today. I can’t tell you how grateful I am for falling into that job by accident. I will never forget my final day at the school, there were two of us leaving from our department so we all got together in the morning and had breakfast. I managed to get through the entire day without crying until, even through the goodbye speeches in front of all the students, their parents and staff I held it together, until I had to say goodbye to the girl I worked with… then I balled like a baby. Working in a place like that they become your family, more so than any other place. We had to deal with some pretty heavy stuff working in that environment and your colleagues are the ones who pick you up afterwards. Working with kids would is impossible if you have a weak team around you and as I said, although I am not there 5 days a week like I used to be I am still lucky enough to be part of that team. 

I made the brave decision to risk everything and turn back to teaching dance. I contacted over 80 schools across Hampshire and West Sussex and had a response from 5… I now run after school clubs in those 5 schools and slowly but surely my name is being passed around and I am being approached by new schools asking me to come and teach for them. I now teach in 5 mainstream schools and 2 special education schools, I have the best of both worlds! Teaching kids who have the families behind them to help them improve and progress and then the there are the kids who may not have so much support but their sheer determination is infectious! 

In all honesty, I don’t even know whether I want to work with kids for the rest of my life… it is fair to say the more I work with kids the less I feel I want kids of my own. But it doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy it! I have so much fun in my job and right now that’s enough for me! Whether I carry on doing this for 2 years or 10 years, I will never grow tired of how rewarding it is working with children. 

Post GCSE realities.

Now I’m not entirely sure whether everybody experiences this or whether it is unique to me, but it is something that is beginning to drive me crazy…

At school I was in that “middle group”, there were the kids who were super clever and kept themselves to themselves, the group of kids who no-one was particularly sure of, that group of “popular” kids so to speak and then us. We were all good friends who kind of flitted from group to group depending on how we felt, but most of the time we kind of just chilled all together. Years 7-9 at school were never ideal for me, I was picked on by a small group of girls who thought they were better than everyone. I had gone through nursery and primary school with most of these girls and for some reason they took it upon themselves to continually shatter my self-esteem, I had crooked teeth, I have a lazy eye and bright blonde hair which earned me the nickname “Lemon Head” (which I just then sucked up and adopted it as a nickname). Even through years 10 & 11 these girls would make sly digs every so often, I remember a time when we were in an Art lesson and this particular group of girls thought it was funny to throw things across the room to where my friends and I were sat, real mature. These girls seemed to slam me for whatever I did, I was very big on dance at school (So much so it’s now how I earn my living) and I remember hearing one girl say “She’s shit at dancing anyway, she’s never going to get anywhere”…I beg to differ.

By year 11 I had grown quite a thick skin, nothing these girls said really bothered me anymore. It was the same old boring insults, nothing ever changed and if they needed to bully me to feel some sort of accomplishment then fine, crack on. I had a great group of friends at school and would never have altered myself in any way to click with “the popular kids”.

I only have 3 real friends left from school, all of whom I would class as my best friends and to be honest I didn’t need anyone else… those were the girls who were always there for me, I’ve had so many unforgettable experiences with them, even though two no longer live close we still speak everyday! They both have amazing lives and i’ve been there with them for every step, I’ve even watched one walk down the aisle.


One of those girls happened to be in that “popular” group at school and even she is disgusted at the way that group used to behave. Because of the way people have treated me in the past, I often find myself being quite cold and stand offish towards people I don’t really know, don’t get me wrong I was no saint at school for example I was guilty of joining in when a joke was made about the slightly quirkier kids; I bumped in to a boy not long ago who was in my science class but who I never really spoke to and I found myself apologizing for how rude I used to be.

Anyway what I have discovered since leaving school is mainly about the lads. I have never regarded myself as a particularly pretty girl, as I mentioned earlier I have a lazy eye and had buck teeth and I wasn’t exactly first in the queue when they handed out boobs and not everybody can understand that or look past it. But by the end year 11 I had got my teeth sorted, learnt how to apply basic make up and style my hair and started to fill out a bit from the tiny little cocktail stick I once was. I now look like a totally different person from the girl I was at school, which is often the way for most people; it’s amazing what puberty does to people’s opinions. I still wouldn’t ever say that I’m a pretty girl, but I can admit that thanks to my hectic lifestyle I maintain a nice figure and I have a relatively good dress sense. On nights out I have often bumped in to people I went to school with and honestly if I had a pound for every time I have heard the words

“Oh my god! How are you?! I haven’t seen you since school, you look so different!”…


I have heard this from so many lads who I went to school with, who back then wouldn’t even acknowledge my existence or who would ridicule me for the smallest things. I remember back in school one lad thought it was hilarious to stick a massive piece of gum in the back of my hair during tutor, I matched him on Tinder a while back (mainly because I’m curious as to whether they’ll swipe right, not because I’m interested) and he immediately tried to talk me in to a “Netflix and chill” set up… just no!! I had to cut out a chunk of my hair because of your idiotic behaviour! Just because I have matured and know how to carry myself it doesn’t mean I’m going to come swooning at your feet because you’re now interested, Sorry.

I understand that people have changed a lot since school, both physically and mentally. I often find myself apologizing and cringing when I think of how I acted and the way I used to speak to some people at school, there were a lot of people I upset and a lot of people I have been really rude to at times and now if I bump in to them I do make an effort to show that actually I did used to be a bit of a bitch but now I’m not really like that and I have respect for people who do the same. Some of the girls in that group at school and some of the lads I have seen have apologized for the way they used to behave towards my friends and at school which I can seriously respect!

What does irritate me beyond belief are the people who were vile to you at school who now act like your best friend when they see you. Portsmouth is a small place and I have seen so many people I went to school with whilst I’ve been out or just getting on with day to day stuff; there was one girl in particular who went out of her way to be vile to me, then when I saw her on a night out last year she came up and cuddled me… again just no!!! If you’re willing to accept that actually your comments had an impact on the way I view myself and that you’re sorry then fine, I can forgive that! But what I can’t accept is people who brush things under the carpet and don’t take responsibility for their actions. One of the qualities I have that I’m actually quite proud of is that I am actually an extremely forgiving person, I will hold a bit of a grudge until I get an apology but after that I just tend to move on, but I just have no time for straight up ignorance.

The comment that got made about my dancing is the one that I remember most…

“She’s shit at dancing anyway, she’s never going to get anywhere”

This comment now makes me laugh so much! I have danced at some of the biggest venues in the UK as well as competing in many countries in Europe. I manage one of the biggest dance schools on the South Coast and I also run my own PPA business teaching dance as part of the national curriculum, specializing in Special Education… I wouldn’t say that’s bad going for someone who is “Shit at dancing anyway”.

Dream Chasers Collective – The Movement Initiative

I am very conscious of the way I behave towards people now, working with kids for a living you do have to practice what you preach; I know first-hand what can come from a petty comment here and there and the impact it can have to your self-esteem is horrible, I also know that not everyone is as thick skinned as I am. If you have ever been a bit of a dick to someone then it’s never too late to admit you were wrong, at least you’ve tried… But I won’t ever have time for those people who refuse to acknowledge their past behaviours.

Cinderella? Tinderella.

As I’ve said in another post, Tinder is a wonderful thing! Although I am a bit saddened when I think of the way that society has gone when it comes to dating, I can’t deny the fact that I genuinely love Tinder.

I first started using it back in 2014, I’d dated a few Muppets before that but no one that I had ever really had a proper connection with. This was also the naive time where all I wanted was a relationship… Oh how the tables have turned. I met a lot of potential on Tinder the first time round, to this day there are a couple of people I still speak to who I met back in ’14, One of who just generally coaches me through life, tells me when I look good and will always be by my side if I ever need to get horrendously drunk (Big love for my Joey if he’s reading).

I learnt a lot from my first spell on Tinder, it is true that 90% of people just want sex, you get catfished a lot! You will see so many people you know and will wish you didn’t see some of them because its awkward as hell, a lot of people will match you and never ever speak (It’s like when you used to go to a SNAP disco and people would walk around in circles; nobody really ever knows why). I remember my first catfish experience however; this guy had seemed perfect! In to sports, had a good sense of humor and a good personality, not to mention looked really hot… Until I met him in person. He drove all the way from Southampton to come and meet me and within the first 5 seconds I knew it was a nonstarter. If he had looked a little different to his photos then fine, but this was like a whole other person; the problem with tinder is you become exceptionally shallow. What made matters worse was clearly he was only that fun and confident behind a key board, I tried to get past the looks but when someone is that boring there’s no a lot you can do. I’m not proud of myself for doing it, but I couldn’t think of a nice way to say it… I faked a phone call, made up an excuse and bolted, blocked his number and never saw or spoke to him again.

The second time round was even more fun! After my break up I initially only went on Tinder for the ego boost, an app that matches you based on your appearance… instant confidence boost but following my catfish situation I decided to be a bit more careful about who I agreed to go on a date with. Over the last year, I have become quite good at the whole dating thing; There is a running joke in my friendship group that Taylor Swift’s line “I go on too many dates, but I can’t make them stay” in “Shake it Off” was inspired by me, probably not totally wrong. This time round I have had more positive experiences with tinder, mainly because I’m not nearly as naive as I was… At this current moment in time I am far too selfish to even consider a new relationship, Dating is a time filler and its just harmless fun, if it amounts to something more than that then so be it but for now I have no immediate intentions.

One new thing I have learnt from my tinder 2.0 experience… you also get stood up a lot! The reason I don’t particularly like 21st century dating is because it is so easy for people to go ghost on you (much like I did on my first catfish experience), I am guilty of this I’m not denying that but there are times when things go really well or so you think, to which you are then left in the dark. I dated a guy just after Christmas, we talked for days before meeting, had a really good first date which ended with a kiss, spoke the following few days and even planned to go for dinner… the *POOF* ghost. I still don’t fully understand why and I beat myself up thinking I had said something to upset him but sod him! I’m a big girl and I can handle the truth, I’d rather someone was straight up honest with me than leave me in the dark. I’ve been stood up about 5 times now, one of who I still encounter on my nights out as he works in one of my favourite bars and despite the fact he stood me up he always proceeds to make me feel really awkward by staring at me, but life goes on!

Over the years I have established a few rules when it comes to dating, first dates in particular…

First Date Dos:

  • DO your research – Most girls are borderline FBI agents, I am pretty much a pro Facebook stalker and it’s a skill I am quite proud of! I now Facebook stalk better than the person who originally showed me the art of Facebook stalking, every girl does it and if you say you don’t then you’re in denial. Doing my research has saved me on a number of occasions! I almost went out on a date with someone who had been in a serious relationship with a relative of mine… weird for all kinds of reasons.
  • DO plan your date carefully – I’m not ashamed to say I normally always organize dates to the same bar. It’s a bar I know well and therefore know how to get out of quickly, Its normally quite busy too and in a very public place.
  • DO keep your friends updated – I always tell my best friends when I’m going on a date and I always get them to check in on me, mainly because I have a bit of an irrational fear that my life will someday turn in to something out of “Hostel”… but they can always provide that emergency phone call should you need one.
  • DO drive to your date (if you can) – I remember meeting someone at New Years, going for a drink in Southampton where I got horrendously trashed and wound up going clubbing with him and his mates, it ended pretty much how you think it would. From that day on I have always driven to my dates.

First Date Don’ts:

  • DON’T go for dinner – If you commit to going for dinner, you are there for a good couple of hours and it suddenly becomes very hard to escape if you need to. Drinks or coffee are the perfect first dates, short and sweet.
  • DON’T talk about your ex – Kind of a no brainer right? But this is what happened after I came out of my 2-year relationship, I found it really hard not to talk about it… luckily he was post break up too so he got it.
  • DON’T give everything away – Leave people wanting more, its simple! Your job, your hobbies, your lifestyle sure! But things like hidden talents, music tastes and all things like that I keep in reserve, even my friends who have known me for years don’t know everything about me.

Other useful realizations:

  • You will not meet the love of your life on a night out – hard to believe right? For the lucky few this may not be the case, but 90% of the time (or 99% of the time if you live in Portsmouth) that guy you met when you were royally smashed is not going to be your future hubby… sorry to break it to you.
  • You will get nowhere if you have the personality of a sponge – I rely MASSIVELY on my sense of humor, once you get to know me I am an extremely complicated person who has a lot of self-doubt, but over the years and due to my previous jobs I have nailed putting on a front. I have learnt to be extremely confident and used my humor to break the ice in difficult situations, the only time I ever relax and let my guard down is if I trust you.
  • Avoid Bartenders and Footballers/Coaches – Just my personal experience… they’re usually assholes.
  • Dating someone your own age is usually a bad idea – I (unfortunately) am quite mature for my age, I am an old woman trapped inside a 22-year old’s body. So when I date someone my age a strong 80% of the time they have the mental and emotional capacity of tea spoon… Living for the weekend. A few years older never hurt anyone, stability is sexy.

The most important thing? Don’t be so naive, I’m a strong believer that everything happens for a reason; You can’t force somebody else’s opinion of you, they either take you as you are or not at all. If you don’t like me then fine, there’s someone else who will…


First Loves, First Break-Ups.

2016 was a shit storm at best, everybody I know seemed to have a terrible year! It was a terrible year for news with so many music and film legends dying and let’s face it, it wasn’t exactly a great year for politics either.

The first 3 months of 2016 were like riding Stealth on repeat, more ups and downs than 1 person should be able to handle. In the first 3 months I had spent New Year’s in the most romantic city in the world, moved out of home and into a house share with the person I loved, celebrated our first Valentine’s day together shortly followed by our first anniversary… which was then shortly followed by a horrendous break up, great way to start the year.

I had dated guys for short periods of time before and obviously had to deal with the fall out and feelings when things fizzled out, but this was my first real relationship and more to the point the first person I can ever admit I truly loved. We didn’t start out in the most conventional way, we knew of each other but ultimately only really started speaking through the magic of Tinder. We both played around for a number of months, until eventually I said we needed to either try and make it work as a relationship or call it a day, luckily that worked in my favour and 4 months later he said the 3 little words every girl wants to hear (although it was an accident at the end of a phone call whilst he was away traveling for a month, but hey! I’ll still take it!). We were happy as Larry in those first 6 months, we were both as goofy as each other and trusted the other person with everything. But as can happen with couples, you get stuck in a rut and that was our biggest downfall.

I’m not going in to the details that broke us up, that was between us and that’s how things will always stay. We were both as bad as each other and now I’m at a point where I can say that we both contributed to our break up, but at the time this was 100% not how I felt. Because I was not the one who ended the relationship, I took on all of the blame. I started to question everything about myself; Did I push him away? Was I the real reason this whole thing ended? Was I too jealous? Was I exaggerating situations in my head? Was he not attracted to me anymore? I drove myself and my family CRAZY for the first 2 weeks. I convinced myself it was all my fault and factor of all of those things. I couldn’t sleep, I wasn’t eating and I cried a strong 90% of the time, the minute someone mentioned his name or asked me what had a happen I was reduced to a hysterical mess. This whole phase lasted around 2 weeks, the wakeup call was when I realized what impact all these thoughts were having on me physically.

Like most girls, I was comfortable in our relationship so I didn’t care about what I ate or in my case how much I ate (I really like food, that’s not a secret), I am lucky that my lifestyle is extremely active and good genes have blessed with me with a small frame and fast metabolism; so even at my biggest I have never really been more than a size 10. He would make jokes about how he’s fattened me up in our relationship, but sometimes I took these jokes as genuine digs at my weight, so when we broke up part of me thought if I was the same size as when he met me that would miraculously change things (stupid, I know)! But loss of appetite also comes hand in hand with stress and I had none what so ever; whether this was a subconscious effort on my part I’m not entirely sure. My friends and family made passing comments about how little I was eating and that I looked as if I was losing weight, I didn’t really bat an eyelid to this and just brushed comments off by saying I didn’t feel hungry and that I was Ok. After I had gotten through the messy 2 weeks and I started to accept there was nothing I could do to fix things and that actually everything wasn’t my fault; the girls realized that this was about the right time for a night out, it was when I was shopping for something to wear that I noticed what impact the not eating aspect was having. I tried on a size 10 dress and it was too big, I tried on a size 8 and again it was too big… I had gone from a size 10 to a size 6 in 2 weeks, best diet ever right? As I was changing from a size 8 to try a size 6 that was when I started to notice things, my collar bones were really obvious, as were my ribs and hip bones. I had lost nearly 2 stone in 2 weeks… This was a massive reality check, why was I letting a minor issue in the grand scheme of things effect me in such a dangerous way? 

After all the tears, irrational decisions and arguments with family who were only trying to help, I started to realize something… This wasn’t all my fault. I left that relationship feeling like everything was all because of me and that I was an awful person but this wasn’t and still isn’t the case. I gave that relationship my all, I compromised on big lifestyle choices that I shouldn’t have even thought twice about, I was there for him when things got really shit and I did everything I could to help him out when he needed it. Yes, at times I would always want things my own way, yes at times I would act jealous or irrational and Yes sometimes I would take things out on him. I’ve never been in a proper relationship, I’ve never had to compromise on things and the same could be said for him. We were both SO stubborn, we couldn’t just let things go and would often argue for hours. We never talked about our problems, we would just bottle it all up until one of us exploded at the other. As much as we loved and cared about each other, there came a point where it just wasn’t enough anymore.

Despite our lack of trying, our break up wasn’t clean and it wasn’t straight forward. We met about a week after we broke up to talk about what was going to happen with me moving the rest my stuff out and to talk over how we were both feeling. We met in a neutral place, mainly so we couldn’t scream and shout at each other. To say that being in each other’s company was uncomfortable was an understatement, we even did the awkward hug at the beginning… It was hard to believe that someone who I loved that much and who I thought of as my best friend now made me that on edge. When we first started talking, he was clearly in no mood to try and work things out, the first half an hour was him blaming me and saying it was all my doing. But I didn’t fight it, or blindly deny it; I just accepted what he had to say and then said my piece. As much as I wanted it to work, it wasn’t going to, He didn’t want to change his lifestyle and I didn’t want to compromise on things I believed in. As much as we wanted to, we just didn’t have what we used to. The one thing we agreed on was that he was going to be there with me while I packed up and moved out so we could learn to be civil around each other and we could sort whatever stuff we shared.

Breaking up with someone is hard at the best of times, but breaking up AND essentially being kicked out of the place you’re living… that sucks! Having to pack as much of your stuff as you can in to one suitcase as quickly as you can whilst your now ex-boyfriend sits watching you is one of the hardest and most confusing things I have ever had to do. By the time I got home my mum and my best friend were there waiting for me, after I had balled like a baby for a good couple of hours my friend offered to unpack my case for me. This is when I then realized I had packed NONE of the relevant stuff I needed. We broke up on a Sunday, I hadn’t packed any of my work clothes or brought any of my work stuff back from the house… Great one Jem, Bravo! When it came to me actually moving out and he was there to help me, emotions were seriously high! It took days for me to move out of 1 room because we would both be reduced to tears sorting through stuff or talking about stuff. Up until this point in our break-up, he had shown no emotion. I had been a mess and a total mess and he would seem as though he was absolutely fine. To see him feeling just the same as me was a massive relief, even though deep down I knew he cared and I knew he was upset, actually seeing it was strangely comforting.

After I moved out, we didn’t stop speaking and we didn’t stop seeing each other. We would sneak around in the hope that no one would see us or know that we were talking, even to the point where I wound up crashing my car after we were caught together. I felt as though no other person in the world would want me and that he was it, this was around the time when the girls planned a night out for me. On this night out, one of my friends bumped in to someone she knew so we started to talk him and his mates. Later on in the night my friend told me that one of the lads in the group was interested in me and wanted to speak to me, but he had recently gone through a break up and wasn’t sure how to go about it. After a gentle push in his direction we wound up talking, the usual sort of chat you have in a club which was then followed up the next day with a friend request. The rest is sort of standard, we start talking and go on a few dates, it never really amounted to anything but this was a massive step in the right direction. After being with the same person for nearly 2 years, I’d been on a first date again; I had done the whole getting to know them thing and I had an ego boost in the process. Me being me, I decided to crack back on Tinder and I can honestly say this was the best choice I had made in a long time! It had now been about a month since we had broken up and all thanks to Tinder I was about to meet someone who to this day I care about immensely!

Tinder is a wonderful thing, it provides the perfect ego boost after a break up, light entertainment on a dull evening and If you’re lucky like I have been it will introduce you to some of the best people. My success rate with tinder has always been pretty good, a lot of the people who I have met on there (even years ago) I still talk to on a daily basis, there are some not so happy endings but that’s a whole other post. The guy that I had the pleasure of meeting was and still is my biggest success story and a person who I now regard as one of my favorite people. We dated for about 5 months in total, He lived just outside of London so we would see each other like every other weekend. But our lifestyles were just too different and the distance was hard, I can honestly say if he lived closer I would snap that up and never let him go because people like that don’t come around every day. After being so self-conscious about myself and being so worried about accommodating another person in my life that way, he made it so easy and made me feel so much better about myself. We still speak most days, spend the odd weekend with each other when we can but more than that I know he is someone who is going to remain in my life for a very long time.

I was back in my prime and loving life! I had grown closer to my existing friends and my family, Made the ballsy decision to quit my job, booked a holiday to see one of my best friend’s half way across the world, celebrated my 22nd birthday by getting horrendously drunk in Brighton by 2pm in the afternoon. I was in a great place, but somebody else wasn’t… It’s true what they say about relationships, or in my case at least; Whilst I had battled through the emotions and the self-doubt and started a new adventure, it was only just starting to hit him. I have (or as it is now “had”) the tendency to be a real people pleaser, I couldn’t bear the thought of him being miserable and despite trying I wound up meeting with him so we could talk, He told me all about how miserable he had been and how he was starting to realize how much I used to do for him and how much I meant to him. It’s hard to hear… Especially when I had just started to find my feet.

To cut a long story short, after I came back from America at the end of August I decided to give things another shot; After everything that had happened It didn’t change the fact that I was in love with this person and he was still in love with me. So we compromised yet again and realized we both had to change, I had to learn to relax and realize that somethings were beyond my control and in return he would alter the aspects of his lifestyle that I didn’t agree with. I had to at least try, I could have said no but there was a risk I would have spent the rest of my life saying “What if?” and for a short period of time it was perfect. I had my best friend back, what’s not to love about that? Except things very quickly went back to how they were and there were a whole new load of trust issues manifesting themselves as a result of our previous break-up. We started to argue again and they just seemed to get more and more spiteful, there came a night when we just both knew what was going to happen. The next day, we met and talked things through; We shouted and we cried but more importantly we stopped kidding ourselves and finally wised up to the fact that actually we were having a negative impact on the other person’s life, so we called it a day… again. The break-up went the same again, we struggled not to talk, we would secretly meet each other and wind up having a cuddle, we both jumped straight back on Tinder, it was only after I drank my body weight in Gin and woke up at his that I decided enough was enough.

A few days later; I matched somebody with someone on Tinder, someone who I had very briefly been texting a few years ago but not much had come of it. He was in the exact same position as me and just wanted company, it was what it was. After talking to someone who knew nothing about our situation; I realized that it just needed to end, so the following day I saw my ex and said everything needed to stop and I can safely say, I haven’t seen him since. We have the odd text here and there when one of us misses the other and there are days where I wish I could go back and start everything over, But… I’m still happy and I learnt a hell of a lot from that relationship, that’ll help me in future ones.

The things I learnt in that relationship:

  • Jealousy is killer – I was so proud of what I had but terrified I was going to lose it. I threw daggers at any girl who tried to speak to him, I had nothing to worry about because he was loyal and he was with me.
  • Personal space is underrated – I wanted to spend every minute of every day with him! But now? I love my own company! Any guy I date now has to accept that there are times when I just want to be by myself!
  • Don’t compromise on something if you firmly believe in it – I compromised because I thought he would change, I thought he would realize how much it affected me and alter the behavior, no. Now I do not compromise on my beliefs, if you want me to then you’re a nonstarter.
  • Don’t ever doubt yourself – I doubted everything about myself in that relationship and I had no need to.
  • Don’t be so hard on yourself – Reality is relationships come and go, your first is your best and your hardest. It’s not your solely your fault! There are two people in that relationship and actions in the run up will ultimately effect what happens. Input from both parties will break up a relationship.

But most importantly, the world goes on. In the grand scheme of things your break up is a minor hiccup. Pick yourself up, surround yourself with good friends and family and you’ll be just fine; You’re only a twenty something after all.
